Thursday, June 21, 2012

Harvesting Romaine

Our Romaine lettuce is beautiful!  It's a pretty green with reddish-brown speckles on it.  I never splurge and buy romaine at the grocery store because iceberg lettuce is always a little cheaper.  I've gotten so use to the taste of plain old iceberg lettuce that it was hard for me to want to eat this romaine.  Now after a couple of harvests, I'm completely obsessed.

Harvesting greens was a hard concept for me to get.  If you talk to people or google how to harvest romaine or kale (or any kind of lettuce really) you get different answers.  Some say that you can cut off the tops of the green, others recommend to harvest a couple of whole leaves off of each plant and some tell you to just pull up the whole plant.

Victoria and I decided to go the route where you pull off the whole outer leaves and leave behind the smaller ones.  It's been working great because I pull off enough greens for a day or so and then I come back and the smaller leaves are ready to eat.  This has really made our romaine go far for the both of us.  Jeff and I enjoy salads every evening with dinner and we are always looking for other ways to eat romaine.    

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