Friday, June 22, 2012

Harvesting Peas

Our sugar snap peas are ready for harvesting.  I found these peas hard to judge when I thought they were ready to pick.  Everything I read told me to pick them before the pod filled all the way out because they would be sweeter that way.  

I asked a fellow gardener what he thought of the peas.  He assured me that they were ready to pick and that if I didn't believe him that I should just pick one and try it myself.  I did.  It was my first experience of picking something right off the vine and eating it.  Yes, I'd been harvesting kale and romaine, but I've been going home and washing it and preparing it before I eat it.  Oh and the peas were wonderful!

Jeff and I haven't been too inventive with eating peas.  We have been putting them in salads and I froze my first batch this morning.  More on that later.

Any recipes that you are trying out with your pea harvest?

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