Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Freezing Peas

There is something about freezing vegetables and making jams and jellies that make me feel like I'm storing things up for a harsh winter when food is scarce.  It's completely silly and these thoughts probably stem from reading American Girl and Little House on the Prairie books at an early age.  I froze my first bag of sugar snap peas this week.

I was given this book a few Christmases ago and I'm so excited that this year I will finally get to use it.  This book is amazing and has a wealth of knowledge in it.  If you want to learn how to harvest, can, freeze or dry this is the book for you!


If you are working with sugar snap peas you will want to remove the flower part of the pod and pull out the string.

Once you have that done you are ready to blanch the peas.  Put the peas in boiling water and boil for two minutes. 

Immediately, put in ice cold water to stop the blanching process.  Place in freezer bag and stick in the freezer.  The faster the process the better tasting the peas will be.  


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