Yesterday Victoria and I spent a couple hours putting in our first seeds in our little slice of earth. We drastically overestimated how much space we would have and decided to not plant cauliflower and beans because we were running out of room.
We loved there was a garden expert there and she was helpful with some things we weren't so sure of. She gave us the advice of putting compost in each row that we dug instead of spreading it all over the plot. Speaking of compost, I learned yesterday that compost is not always just ready to put on the bed. You have to wait until its far along in the decomposing process. You can still use it (which we did!) but you have to sift it before it's ready to use. Lesson learned: sifting compost is hard work. I kept getting the sifter too compacted and then nothing would sift through the bottom of it.
I was kinda dreading the first plant because sometimes it's hard to get into the swing of things and unnerving when we weren't always sure of what we should be doing, but we had a quite a refreshing morning in the garden.
Cutest thing that we saw while we were there was a dad riding bikes with his three little kids to the garden. The little kids were so excited to be there and couldn't wait to help pick some lettuce. It gives me hope that there really are families out there that still care about creation and think it's important to get kids excited and involved early.
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